With high school exams right around the corner, The Grove Hubs wants to share some important study tips and habits for students.
Below are some helpful tips from Fergus Educational Services’ Owner and Educator, Barb, who walks us through their proven Traffic Light Method.
1.Start with your Must Haves
What do you need to be successful? Before you start studying, make sure you have all the books, papers, notes, tests, and assignments from each course as they are the tools you’ll need to review important course material. Set yourself up for success by sitting down in a quiet and organized place with everything you need to optimize your ability to concentrate during your study session. Consider leaving your headphones and phone in a different room when studying for optimal focus on what you are reading. We recommend having green, yellow, and red coloured markers or highlighters ready when using the Traffic Light Method for the most effective studying.
2.Review your Notes
With your green, yellow, and red highlighters handy, go through every page in your notes, tests, and assignments and ask yourself how well you know the material on each page. The key is to answer very honestly. Use green to highlight what you are very confident you understand, yellow for somewhat confident, and red for not confident. By honestly reviewing your notes and using the Traffic Light Method, you are better prepared to keep going and you’ve already started studying! Now you know what areas need the most focus, and which content you feel confident in as you head into your exam.
3.Start Studying
Once each page is marked and organized by colour, put the green papers away and dive into what is yellow. Each day you review and study your notes, what was once yellow may become green, and what was red may become yellow. As you continue to read and review, you are learning more each day and becoming more confident as you head into your exam. If you start preparing early, by the time of your exam, most of your sheets should be green meaning you feel confident and ready to write.
4.Communicate With Teachers
If you are feeling overwhelmed or concerned about a certain area of study or topic in your notes, book an appointment with your teacher. By communicating about concepts that are not clicking, your teacher can provide you with extra material, explain the ideas in new ways, and help you review to encourage success.
5.Avoid Cramming the Night Before
The best way to succeed is to try and avoid studying the night before and cramming too much information in. Instead, focus on organizing your notes, reviewing important concepts, and asking questions about what you are confused about early on. A successful study routine can also support you as you prepare for exams and reduce feelings of stress as you head into exam season.
6.Ditch the Caffeine
While caffeine and sugar may seem like a good way to start your day and give you the energy to write your exams, it has actually been proven to be detrimental to your focus and concentration. Try to avoid caffeine and too much sugar on the day of your tests and exams. Instead, prioritize a good sleep the night before you write so you feel energized and well-rested. Treat yourself once your exam is done!
While big tests and exams can feel overwhelming, The Grove and Fergus Educational Services are here to support you and remind you that you’ve got this! Follow these tips and bookmark this page for when you need it.
7.Head to your Local Hub
The Grove is here for you! If you are a student looking for study support and tutoring services during exam time, or year-round The Grove Hubs can help. Check out the dates below and join us for Study Group and Snacks at your local hub this month!
University of Guelph - Wednesday, January 17th from 1:00-3:00 pm
Main Place Erin - Wednesday, January 24th from 4:00-5:00 pm
Palmerston - Wednesday, January 24th from 4:00-5:00 pm
Fergus - Thursday, January 25th from 1:00-2:00 pm
If you are interested in learning more about The Grove’s study resources and tutor support, reach out to tutoring@thegrovehubs.ca.